【報讀幼稚園】K1面試做最好準備 必睇40條熱門問題


圖片來源:Tady Ng


1. What is your name?(你叫什麼名字?)

2. What are your mum and dad’s names?(你媽媽和爸爸的名字是什麼?)

3. What do your parents do?(你爸媽從事什麼職業?)

4. Do you have any sisters or brothers?(你有沒有兄弟姊妹?)

5. Can you tell me the names of your siblings ?(你的兄弟姊妹叫什麼名字嗎?)

6. Where do you live?(你住哪裡?)

7. How did you come/get here?(你今天坐什麼交通工具來這裡?)

8. Can you tell me when your birthday is?(你能告訴我你的生日是哪天嗎?)

9. How old are you?(你幾多歲?)

10. What is your favorite color?(你喜歡什麼顏色?)

11. Can you name this color?(你能說出這種顏色嗎?)

12. Can you tell me what shape this is? (你能告訴我這個是什麼形狀嗎?)

13. What is your favorite animal?(你最喜歡的動物是什麼?)

14. Do you have a pet at home?(你家裡有養寵物嗎?)

15. What animal is this?(這是什麼動物?)

16. What bird is this?(這是什麼鳥?)

17. Which bedtime story is your favorite?(你最喜歡哪個睡前故事?)

18. What is your favorite character?(你最喜歡哪個角色?)

19. What is the best thing you like to eat?(你最喜歡吃什麼?)

20. Can you recite your favorite poem?(你能背誦自己喜歡的詩嗎?)

21. When you grow up, what do you want to become?(你長大後想成為什麼?)

22. Which is your favorite cartoon?(你最喜歡哪部動畫片?)

23. What color is an apple?(蘋果是什麼顏色?)

24. What is your favorite game?(你最喜歡什麼遊戲?)

25. Do you like to draw?(你喜歡畫畫嗎?)

26. Can you pick up the biggest toy from this?(你能從中拿起最大的玩具嗎?)

27. What number is this?(這是什麼數字?)

28. What letter is this?(這是什麼字母?)

29. How many fingers do you have? (你有幾多隻手指?)

30. What is your favorite toy? (你最喜歡什麼玩具?)

31. Can you tell me what the man is doing in this picture?(你能告訴我這張照片中的男人在做什麼嗎?)

32. How many wheels does a car have?(汽車有幾個車輪?)

33. Can you give me a high-five?/Can you shake my hand?(你能給我舉手擊掌嗎?你能跟我握手嗎?)

34. Can you count from 10 to 20 for me?(你能為我數1020嗎?)

35. Can you identify and tell me which animal is in the picture ?(你能認出並告訴我圖片中的哪種動物嗎?)

36. Can you tell me the name of the vegetable in the picture ?(你能告訴我圖中的蔬菜名稱嗎?)

37. Identify which flower this is and what colour is it ?(認出這是哪朵花,它是什麼顏色?)

38. Who is this ? (pictures of professions)(這是誰?(圖片或職業))

39. Can you tell me which means of transport this is ?(你能告訴我這是哪種交通工具嗎?)

40. Do you like painting ? What do you like to paint ?(你喜歡畫畫嗎?你喜歡畫什麼?)
