
vol02p20 21p03

Paper tiger
老虎給人的感覺很威武,但紙製的老虎卻弱不禁風。Paper tiger 就是用來形容一些外強中乾的人。
Bobby looks powerful but actually he is not.
Bobby is a paper tiger.

Lone wolf
有些狼因為天生的特性而遠離狼群。如果將lone wolf
Mr. Chan likes to do things on his own. He does not want others to help him.
Mr. Chan is a lone wolf. He does not want others to help him.

Memory like an elephant
外國人常言道﹕Elephants never forget,意思即是大象永遠不會忘記。現代科學也證實了大象有出色的記憶力,而且有些大象更懂得畫畫。畢竟,牠們的腦袋是陸上動物中最大。
Karen has a good memory.
Karen has a memory like an elephant.

Dog days
古羅馬人發現,在七月至八月期間,當天狼星(Sirius)出現,那時的天氣會特別炎熱。此外,他們會視天狼星為狗,所以他們會將 dog days 形容為夏季最酷熱的幾天。
I can’t stand the hottest days of summer.
I can’t stand the dog days of summer.

Crocodile tears
鱷魚是兇殘的動物,會毫不猶豫地捕殺獵物。如果有人說鱷魚會為了獵物而流淚,千萬不要相信!所以 crocodile tears 就有假慈悲、假仁假義的意思。
Raymond pretended to be sad when he sacked Jenny.
Raymond shed crocodile tears when he sacked Jenny.

Butterflies in your stomach
想像一下,如果有很多蝴蝶在你的肚子裡拍動翅膀,會是甚麼感覺? 那種感覺就會好像你緊張時,心臟急速跳動一樣。所以,butterflies in your stomach 可以形容人十分緊張。
I was nervous when I stood on the stage.
I got butterflies in my stomach when I stood on the stage.

Night owl
大家都知貓頭鷹是夜行動物,早上休息,晚上獵食。如果別人說你是 night owl,即說你是夜貓子,喜歡熬夜。
Anthony stays up late but his wife sleeps early.
Anthony is a night owl but his wife sleeps early.

Get your goat
Goat 是山羊,在外國人的眼中象徵憤怒。
Get your goat 有使人發怒、使人生厭的意思。
Timmy ate my cake. He annoyed me.
Timmy ate my cake. He got my goat.

Hold your horses
Hold on, Calvin! Let's think about this for a while.
Hold your horses, Calvin! Let's think about this for a while.

Angry as a bull
Mary was very angry because Peter drew a circle on her face.
Mary was as angry as a bull because Peter drew a circle on her face.

vol02p20 21p01
Mr. Jeffrey Tam
DR-Max 課程總監
喜歡以日常生活及童話故事作例子,讓學童以第一身方式學習英語,慢慢將英語融入生活之中。想了解更多日常英文用語,可訂閱 YouTube 頻道的《超速英語 60 秒》。
